“Robyn Bishop-Marin takes us on that stroll down the lanes of her memory, and it is fearsome, delightful, heartfelt, wrenching, and funny.”
—Scotty Bennett, TheaterScene.Net
“Robyn guides us properly through the good, the bad, and the very ugly, all while keeping that comic relief steady.”
—Carissa Chesanek, Broadway World
Motivational Speaker.: The Genesis of A Girl Far From Normal; Robyn’s Mess to Message.
A well-received and reviewed eight-performance engagement at The Soho Playhouse, New York.
Four sold-out performances at The Flea Theater, Tribeca.
During the COVID pandemic, when theaters were closed, Robin demonstrated remarkable tenacity and resilience by debuting her one-woman show in an open-air performance in Palos Verdes Estates, California. She organized two sold-out, socially-distanced performances, showcasing her unwavering dedication to creativity and connection when people needed it the most.
All-Inclusive getaway designed by women for women, to both relax and transform. Robyn was the evening motivational speaker and lead fitness instructor.
The Moth is a nonprofit organization that promotes storytelling and celebrates the diversity of human experience. Robyn performed a stand-up comedy set at The Super Slam in February of 2019. She didn’t win, but just being on The Moth, the Super Bowl of storytelling, was a “W” for her!
Writer/Performer, Robyn workshopped her new one-woman-show in mid-town Manhattan.
An event where pre-vetted storytellers are invited to speak. Robyn performed Spa Goddess.
Robyn pens a brochure for herself called “How to Divide by Two and Remain Whole.” That’s a nice way to say, “You’re getting divorced, now what?” In order to connect with others, Robyn seeks out stages to perform spoken memoirs.
Since its debut in 1996, Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues has been translated into over 48 languages and performed in more than 140 countries, making it a global phenomenon in theater.
Robyn was asked to perform the scene: The Vagina Workshop, an eleven-minute monologue at New College of Florida, Sarasota.